You can use this tool in any device because English to Hindi Converter/Transliteration tool works fine on any Computer, Mobile and Laptops. After completion of your typing, you can save your work to a TEXT file or DOC file or copy your content by clicking the COPY button as per your requirement.
We are providing some buttons with this Unicode converter tool. You can use pipe key ( | ) purnabiram (पुर्णबिराम ) in your paragraph by pressing shift + backslash key. In this tool, you can get more choices of words by pressing the backspace key to any word which you have typed. Again press Ctrl+G to start Hindi typing. If you want to use English words in between Hindi, simply press Ctrl+G and type in English words. Here is a nice option available to use English words between Hindi words. When you type Hindi text, sometimes we want to use some English words. It's the fastest and easy method for Online Hindi Typing. Suppose you want to type 'नमस्ते' then you have to type 'namaste' in English letters in the above-given box and press SPACE key, it will convert English text to Hindi Unicode font (नमस्ते). This tool converts English text to Hindi Unicode (Mangal) text. Hindi Typing Online is a pro tool for English to Hindi translation (conversion).